1. know synonym, know definition | Thesaurus



        1    apprehend, comprehend, experience, fathom, feel certain, ken     (Scot.)   learn, notice, perceive, realize, recognize, see, undergo, understand  
        2    associate with, be acquainted with, be familiar with, fraternize with, have dealings with, have knowledge of, recognize  
        3    differentiate, discern, distinguish, identify, make out, perceive, recognize, see, tell  
        1    be ignorant, be unfamiliar with, misunderstand  

        clever-clogs     (informal)   clever Dick     (informal)   smart aleck     (informal)   smartarse     (slang)   smarty     (informal)   smarty-boots     (informal)   smarty-pants     (informal)   wiseacre, wise guy     (informal)  
        ability, adroitness, aptitude, capability, craft, dexterity, experience, expertise, faculty, flair, ingenuity, knack, knowledge, proficiency, savoir-faire, skill, talent  
        English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus  


          ( knows    3rd person present)   ( knowing    present participle)   ( knew    past tense)   ( known    past participle  )
        1       verb   If you know a fact, a piece of information, or an answer, you have it correctly in your mind.  
        no cont  
        I don't know the name of the place...      V n  
        `People like doing things for nothing.'—`I know they do.'...      V that  
        I don't know what happened to her husband...      V wh  
        `How did he meet your mother?'—`I don't know.'...      V  
        We all know about his early experiments in flying...      V about n/-ing  
        They looked younger than I knew them to be...      V n to-inf  
        It is not known whether the bomb was originally intended for the capital itself...      it be V-ed wh  
        It's always been known that key figures in the government do very well for themselves.      it be V-ed that  
        2       verb   If you know someone, you are familiar with them because you have met them and talked to them before.  
        no cont  
        Gifford was a friend. I'd known him for nine years...      V n  
        Do you two know each other?...      V n  
        3       verb   If you say that you know of something, you mean that you have heard about it but you do not necessarily have a lot of information about it.  
        no cont  
        We know of the incident but have no further details...      V of n  
        I know of no one who would want to murder Albert.      V of n  
        4       verb   If you knowabout a subject, you have studied it or taken an interest in it, and understand part or all of it.  
        no cont  
        Hire someone with experience, someone who knows about real estate...      V about n  
        She didn't know anything about music but she liked to sing.      V amount about n  
        5       verb   If you know a language, you have learned it and can understand it.  
        no cont  
        It helps to know French and Creole if you want to understand some of the lyrics...      V n  
        6       verb   If you know something such as a place, a work of art, or an idea, you have visited it, seen it, read it, or heard about it, and so you are familiar with it.  
        no cont  
        No matter how well you know Paris, it is easy to get lost...      V n  
        7       verb   If you knowhow to do something, you have the necessary skills and knowledge to do it.  
        no cont  
        The health authorities now know how to deal with the disease...      V wh-to-inf  
        We know what to do to make it work.      V wh-to-inf  
        8       verb   You can say that someone knowsthat something is happening when they become aware of it.  
        no cont  
        Then I saw a gun under the hall table so I knew that something was wrong...      V that  
        The first I knew about it was when I woke up in the ambulance.      V about n  
        9       verb   If you know something or someone, you recognize them when you see them or hear them.  
        no cont  
        Would she know you if she saw you on the street?...      V n  
        10       verb   If someone or something is knownas a particular name, they are called by that name.  
        no cont  
        The disease is more commonly known as Mad Cow Disease...      be V-ed as n  
        He was born as John Birks Gillespie, but everyone knew him as Dizzy...      V n as n  
        He was the only boy in the school who was known by his Christian name and not his surname.      V n by n  
        ...British Nuclear Fuels, otherwise known as BNFL.      V-ed  
        11       verb   If you know someone or something as a person or thing that has particular qualities, you consider that they have those qualities.  
        Lots of people know her as a very kind woman...      V n as n  
        13    If you talk about a thing or system as we know it, you are referring to the form in which it exists now and which is familiar to most people.  
        as we know it      phrase   n PHR  
        He planned to end the welfare system as we know it.     
        14    If you get to know someone, you find out what they are like by spending time with them.  
        to get to know sb      phrase   get inflects, PHR n  
        The new neighbours were getting to know each other...     
        15    People use expressions such as goodness knows, Heaven knows, and God knows when they do not know something and want to suggest that nobody could possibly know it.  
        heaven/god/lord/christ etc knows      phrase   PHR as reply, PHR wh  
        `Who's he?'—`God knows.'     
        16    You say `I know' to show that you agree with what has just been said.  
        I know      convention  
        `This country is so awful.'—`I know, I know.'     
        17    You say `I know' to show that you accept that something is true, but think that it is not very important or relevant.  
        I know      convention  
        `There are trains straight from Cambridge.'—`I know, but it's no quicker.'     
        18    You use `I know' to express sympathy and understanding towards someone.  
        I know (how you feel, etc)      phrase   PHR wh/that  
        I know what you're going through.     
        19    You can use I don't know to indicate that you do not completely agree with something or do not really think that it is true.  
        I don't know (about that)      phrase   usu PHR about n, PHR that  
        `He should quite simply resign.'—`I don't know about that.'     
        20    You can say `I don't know about you' to indicate that you are going to give your own opinion about something and you want to find out if someone else feels the same.  
        I don't know about you      phrase   PHR but cl  
        I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm hungry...     
        21    You use I don't know in expressions which indicate criticism of someone's behaviour. For example, if you say that you do not know how someone can do something, you mean that you cannot understand or accept them doing it.  
        I don't know how/what      phrase   PHR wh     (disapproval)   I don't know how he could do this to his own daughter...     
        22    People sometimes use expressions such as I'm blessed if I know or damned if I know to emphasize the fact that they do not know something.  
        (I'm) blessed/damned/buggered if I know      phrase   oft PHR as reply, PHR wh     (emphasis)   `What was that all about?'—`Darned if I know.'     
        23    If you are in the know about something, especially something that is not known about or understood by many people, you have information about it.  
        in the know      phrase   usu v-link PHR  
        It was gratifying to be in the know about important people...     
        24    You can use expressions such as you know what I mean and if you know what I mean to suggest that the person listening to you understands what you are trying to say, and so you do not have to explain any more.  
        you know what I mean      convention  
        None of us stayed long. I mean, the atmosphere wasn't<endash>well, you know what I mean...     
        25    You say `You never know' or `One never knows' to indicate that it is not definite or certain what will happen in the future, and to suggest that there is some hope that things will turn out well.  
        you never know      convention  
        You never know, I might get lucky...     
        26    You say `Not that I know of' when someone has asked you whether or not something is true and you think the answer is `no' but you cannot be sure because you do not know all the facts.  
        not that I know of      convention  
        `Is he married?'—`Not that I know of.'     
        27    You can use expressions such as What does she know? and What do they know? when you think that someone has no right to comment on a situation because they do not understand it.  
        what does sb know      phrase   oft PHR about n     (disapproval)   Don't listen to him, what does he know?...     
        28    You use you know to emphasize or to draw attention to what you are saying.  
        you know      convention  
        The conditions in there are awful, you know..., You know, it does worry me.     
        29    You use you know when you are trying to explain more clearly what you mean, by referring to something that the person you are talking to knows about.  
        you know      convention  
        Wear the white dress, you know, the one with all the black embroidery.     
        30    You can say `You don't know' in order to emphasize how strongly you feel about the remark you are going to make.  
        you don't know      phrase   PHR wh     (emphasis)   You don't know how good it is to speak to somebody from home.     
            to know best  
            to know better  
            to know no bounds  
            to know something for a fact  
            as far as I know  
            not to know the first thing about something  
            to know full well  
            to let someone know  
            not to know the meaning of the word  
            to know your own mind  
            to know the ropes  

        know-all        ( know-alls    plural  ) If you say that someone is a know-all, you are critical of them because they think that they know a lot more than other people.  
        INFORMAL      n-count  

        in AM, use know-it-all     
        in AM, use knowhow     
        Know-how is knowledge of the methods or techniques of doing something, especially something technical or practical.  
        INFORMAL      n-uncount   usu with supp   (=expertise)  
        He hasn't got the know-how to run a farm.     
        know-it-all        ( know-it-alls    plural  ) If you say that someone is a know-it-all, you are critical of them because they think that they know a lot more than other people.  
        INFORMAL      n-count  

        in BRIT, use know-all     

        Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

        Fab 59 on 22/09/2017" class="optnsO" onclick="ecm(this);" eid="3836627" tgtl="1033" srcl="1033" eo="0|0|0|0|0|0" uid="831041">
        pejorative term to qualify a person who pretends or appears to know everything about everything
        [Pej.];[Fam.] Ex.: So let's see how Mister 'know-it-all' is going to solve that problem!

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        Collaborative Dictionary     English Thesaurus
        abbr. acron.
        Short for "I don't know".
        LuciaCH on 15/03/2017" class="optnsO" onclick="ecm(this);" eid="3712753" tgtl="1033" srcl="1033" eo="0|0|0|0|0|0" uid="1029646">
        abbr. acron.
        Short for "just so you know".
        LuciaCH on 15/03/2017" class="optnsO" onclick="ecm(this);" eid="3712738" tgtl="1033" srcl="1033" eo="0|0|0|0|0|0" uid="1029646">
        acronym for Let Me Know, as to ask the other party to get back to you
        TheoH on 29/10/2013" class="optnsO" onclick="ecm(this);" eid="2079453" tgtl="1033" srcl="1033" eo="0|0|0|0|0|0" uid="34484">
        Abbreviation for "eXamine Your Zipper". To let someone know the zipper on the front of his pants is down.
        billyboy on 05/07/2016" class="optnsO" onclick="ecm(this);" eid="3651640" tgtl="1033" srcl="1033" eo="0|0|0|0|0|0" uid="157658">
        acronym of As Far As I Know, from the best of my knowledge, according to the information that I have
        TheoH on 29/10/2013" class="optnsO" onclick="ecm(this);" eid="2079455" tgtl="1033" srcl="1033" eo="0|0|0|0|0|0" uid="34484">
        expression used for letting someone know that he/she should prepare for a difficult or unpleasant upcoming event
        Irys on 14/06/2010" class="optnsO" onclick="ecm(this);" eid="269617" tgtl="1033" srcl="1033" eo="0|0|0|0|0|0" uid="21300">
        used to tell someone that you do not know any more about a subject than they do
        Ex: Jill: 'How long should we bake this pie?' Jane: 'Your guess is as good as mine'.
        Fab 59 on 26/02/2017" class="optnsO" onclick="ecm(this);" eid="3711611" tgtl="1033" srcl="1033" eo="0|0|0|0|0|0" uid="831041">
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